Google’s Most Asked Questions – Answered

Canadians have some of the best records worldwide for visiting dentists. Three in every four of us see our dentist for a checkup yearly. That’s a great way to maintain excellent dental health.

Nonetheless, wear and tear happen even when we look after our teeth. Though it can feel like a worry, many fantastic treatments, such as implant-supported dentures, are available to help you.

If you are researching dentures, you’ll probably head to Google with your most pertinent questions. This denture guide contains the most commonly asked questions in one place. You’re welcome.

What Are Implant-Supported Dentures?

Beyond your teeth and gums is your jawbone. Our natural teeth extend from this jawbone, giving us the strength to bite down on food from a fresh apple to a well-aged steak.

Implant-supported dentures replace missing teeth, and the dentist will attach the implant to that jawbone. Dentists offer this type of implant when a patient loses a group of teeth.

Read More: The Benefits Of Implant-supported Dentures

How Are They Different From Traditional Dentures?

Implant-supported dentures are a modern alternative to the more traditional dentures.

You may have an image in mind of dentures slipping smoothly in and out of the mouth. Those are traditional-style dentures as they sit on the smooth gum line instead of attached to the jawbone.

How to Clean Implant-Supported Dentures

Dental hygiene is as important with dentures as it is with natural teeth.

That’s because bacteria can still spread to the gums, putting you at risk of gum disease and further tooth decay. So you’ll need to create a twice-daily habit of cleaning your implant-supported dentures.

You’ll need a toothbrush, preferably one with soft bristles. And you’ll need regular toothpaste containing fluoride. But avoid abrasive toothpaste brands.

Clean implants as you would a regular tooth. Clean around the tooth and floss between your teeth.

How Much Do Implant Supported Dentures Cost?

Implant-supported dentures affix to the jawbone, so they take time for a dentist to apply to a patient’s mouth. For that reason, they cost more than traditional dentures.

However, they have more long-term benefits, such as a more robust, longer-lasting fix to the mouth.

What you pay will also depend on the number of implants you need, and dentists typically charge per tooth. On average, patients can pay anywhere between $5000 to $50,000.

Therefore, it’s difficult to give a precise number as a reputable dentist will provide a custom quote after a consultation.

However, it’s worth remembering that you can spread the costs over several months instead of paying in one lump sum.

If you want to know whether implant-supported dentures are a cost-effective option for you, book an appointment with one of our highly experienced dentists today.

Read More: Can I Get A Single Dental Implant?

Are Implant Supported Dentures Removable?

There are two different types of implant-supported dentures: fixed and removable.

Fixed dentures stay in a place like natural teeth; only a dentist will remove them during checkups and professional cleaning treatments.

Removable implant dentures have fewer implants into the jaw, typically four in the upper jaw and two in the lower jaw. The dentures attach to this implant, but the patient can remove them for cleaning.

Removable implants tend to be a good option if you already suffer from some bone loss. That can happen with advanced gum disease or if you have had surgery on your jaw because of mouth cancer.

How Long Do Implant-Supported Dentures Last?

When you’ve chosen a complex and involved treatment like dental implants, you’ll want to ensure you’ve chosen a long-lasting one.

Implants, on average last ten to fifteen years. However, some implant dentures will last a lifetime, with two caveats.

First, the best way to achieve longevity with your dental implants is to find a reputable practice like our experienced team here at Highbury Park Dental.

Second, getting a lifetime from your implants requires care and hygiene. As with natural teeth, implants suffer from wear and tear.

Avoiding food that will damage the tooth’s surface will help the implants last longer. Plus, keeping teeth clean and free of bacteria is the best way to ensure they stay healthy and don’t need replacing.

What Are the Pros of Implant Supported Dentures?

Are implant-supported dentures the best option for you? Let’s examine some of the advantages.

  • Stable and strong: Traditional dentures move and shift along the gumline and need adhesive to fix them into place. Implants, however, attach to the bone, keeping them strong and stable when chewing food.
  • It supports the bone: Did you know that the jawbone will gradually deteriorate after you lose a tooth? Adding an implant to the jaw will help the bone remain strong, supporting the rest of your teeth.
  • A beautiful smile: Many people choose implant-supported dentures for cosmetic reasons. It will give you the confidence to smile, something many patients feel self-conscious about when they suffer tooth loss.

What Are the Cons of Implant-Supported Dentures?

Are there any downsides to implant-supported dentures? The answer is yes. Here are some disadvantages you should know:

  • Lengthy treatment: Implants are more complex than regular dentures. So your teeth will require more time in the dentist’s chair. Therefore, it’s always worth paying for a highly experienced dental consultant.
  • Cost: The cost of implants is higher than traditional dentures because of the long-term benefits to the jaw and the strength it provides to the mouth. If cost is a concern, look at payment installments.

Can I Eat Everything Even if I Have Implant-Supported Dentures?

Once you’ve had implants, you can eat various foods. But you should take things slowly in the first few days after treatment.

Avoid hard or chewy foods like meat or crusty bread. Opt for soft foods like vegetables, eggs, yogurts, or fresh soups.

In the long term, you will have the flexibility to eat most foods with implant-supported dentures. However, most patients avoid hard, minuscule foods like seeds because they risk becoming lodged between your tooth and gum.

The Takeaway

Losing teeth doesn’t have to feel like a catastrophe. Implant-supported dentures are an exciting and welcome innovation in dentistry. They will help you live a whole life after tooth loss.

Your next step is to connect with our team and book a consultation to find the right dentures for you. You can do that by completing this form.