A Look at the Invisalign Process for Your Teeth Straightening Options

Teeth are fickle. Some people are born with naturally straight teeth, while many others are stuck with less-than-perfect smiles.

While it’s fairly common to have misaligned teeth, anything but a perfect smile can be a source of embarrassment. And to make matters worse, crooked and misaligned teeth can also cause oral health problems.

But thankfully, there are options available at your dentist to straighten your teeth so you can feel confident with your smile.

Here’s a look at the common problems caused by misaligned teeth and the Invisalign process as an effective teeth straightening option.


Poor Oral Hygiene

Crooked and misaligned teeth often lead to poor oral hygiene since they create hard-to-reach nooks and crannies that you can’t effectively clean. Eventually, harmful bacteria will build up in these places and lead to oral health problems, such as gum disease.

Gum Disease

Crowded and crooked teeth often lead to plaque buildup in areas that are hard to brush and floss. As a result, excess bacteria will cause gum disease and tooth decay. Gapped teeth can also cause or worsen gum disease since they leave the gums unprotected.

Inflamed, bleeding gums and bad breath characterize gum disease. As gum disease worsens, the gums will recede and the jaw bone will erode. If the jaw bone and gums are no longer supporting the teeth, then the gum disease will eventually lead to tooth loss.

Tooth Wear and Damage

Crooked and misaligned teeth affect the bite and the amount of pressure placed on teeth. The bite can wear down some teeth, leading to tooth damage such as cracks, breaks, or tooth loss.

Difficulty Chewing

If your teeth and jaws are not aligned properly, you will likely have difficulty biting and chewing foods. This is especially true for those with bite problems, such as overbites, underbites, and crossbites.

These bite problems also place stress on the jaw, which can lead to painful joint and muscle problems. And if you can’t properly chew your food, you may experience digestion problems as well.

Low Self-Esteem

Smiling helps reduce stress and increase happiness. But if you have misaligned teeth, you might have low self-esteem and be self-conscious about your smile. Maybe you hide your smile with your hand, or only smile with your mouth closed. Some people may opt to smile and speak less often to avoid showing their teeth.


If you have crooked teeth, you’ve probably felt frustrated by your smile. And that frustration is completely normal. You might be frustrated with the appearance of your smile. And you might be concerned about the effects that your teeth have on your oral health.

But you do have teeth straightening options besides just braces.

Here’s a look at the Invisalign process for straightening your teeth, along with a comparison of Invisalign vs. braces.


Invisalign uses a series of custom-made BPA-free plastic teeth aligners (like retainers) that gradually push teeth to a better alignment. To create these plastic aligners, your dentist will first make a 3D image of your teeth using X-rays and impressions of your teeth.

With the 3D image, they will then create a plan for the exact movement each tooth needs to make to eventually straighten out. You will then receive a set of aligners that are custom fitted to your teeth and designed to place the right amount of force on specific teeth to move them.

Every one to two weeks, you will receive a new set of aligners that will shift your teeth gradually until they are straightened and your treatment is completed.

In some cases, you will also need tooth-coloured composite attachments temporarily bonded to your teeth to help your aligners grip your teeth and effectively apply pressure.

Is Invisalign a Good Alternative to Braces?

Invisalign is an effective alternative to braces for a variety of tooth alignment problems, such as:

  • Crooked teeth,
  • Protruding teeth,
  • Overbite,
  • Underbite,
  • Cross bite,
  • Crowding,
  • Gaps, and,
  • Turned teeth.

Invisalign usually takes longer to straighten teeth because plastic is not as strong as metal braces. However, since it is a slower process, it is much more comfortable than braces, and your teeth and gums will not be as sore. Nor will you have to worry about the metal brackets rubbing against and irritating your cheeks.

It’s also much easier to eat and clean your teeth with the aligners since you can simply take them out of your mouth whenever you want to eat, brush and floss your teeth, and clean the trays.

With braces, you cannot eat certain foods, and you must be diligent about removing food that gets caught in your braces.

Lastly, Invisalign plastic aligners are clear, making them invisible on your teeth, so you don’t have to feel self-conscious about your smile like you might while wearing braces.


To get the best results with Invisalign, it’s important to follow your dentist’s instructions carefully. Invisalign is the most effective at straightening teeth when the aligners are worn for no less than 22 hours per day.

That means you should always put your aligners back in your mouth after eating, flossing, and brushing your teeth. Forgetting to do so will result in a longer process since your teeth will shift back to their previous position after hours without the aligner.

You will also need to wear a retainer once the Invisalign treatment is complete to prevent your teeth from shifting. This retainer may be fixed in the back of your teeth with cement or a removable retainer that is either acrylic with wires or clear plastic—which is a popular option.

If you’re frustrated with your crooked or misaligned teeth, remember that you’re not alone, and there are viable teeth straightening options available. Speak with your dentist to see if Invisalign is the solution you need for a straighter, happier smile.